Food Cutting Equipment -We’ve developed a line of small, medium and large capacity equipment for cutting round, square or band products. Our equipment can be used either as stand alone, cutting station or inline.
Robotic and Automated Equipment – Automation has become a strategic issue for your organization. Looking to develop custom automated equipment or to integrate robotics into your production? Our multidisciplinary project teams can help you every step of the way while ensuring complete confidentiality.
Mass Production Plant – The Matiss production plant specializes in manufacturing production components and equipment according to your plans and specifications, as well as performing equipment overhauls. Our team of specialists is there to quickly answer your questions and provide the competitive prices you need.
Process Control – To help company managers collect real-time production data, we’ve developed a manufacturing execution system (MES) that’s marketed under the name Matissoft.

Contact Us for more information or Matiss direct at http://www.matiss.com/en